Ways of Christ

Additions to chapters of the main text part 1.

Excerpts from John, 3,5-8 : The new birth.

...Jesus answered: "Amen, Amen, I tell you the truth, unless one is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying 'You must be born again'. The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell, where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the spirit." "How can this be?", Nicodemus asked. "You are Israels teacher", said Jesus, "and do you not understand this things?..."

This is no parable; but one of the "difficult" passages of the bible, with exact and very important meaning for those who had the experiences and knowledge to possibly grasp it. Jesus did not tell something to a person, which he/she would not have any chance to feel for and use. During the chapters of our main text, f.e. "The silence in the desert", and "The transfiguration", a.s.o. there are some approaches to this New Birth.

Even for people, who don't seek this experience intensively, at an earlier, restful age Christmas was connected with this experience. The festive mood during the Advent time of the Church year prepared for the inward reminiscence of the "Birth of Christ"; as the conscious fasting time prepared for Easter Sunday. So in some years one could experience something - even though not fully understanding it -, that needs today intensive meditation or long periods of prayer.

Christmas is a feast of love too, reminding of Jesus as a gift to mankind. However this does not change the deeper meaning; one can follow all steps in the life of Jesus. Love accompanies all steps too. Cf. also the chapter "And the word became flesh" in the main text. There is an additional page about the relation of this spiritual rebirth to teachings about "karma" and "reincarnation" known from other religions.

Born-again Christians in the context of free churches, etc.
- are urged to continue building their faith daily, thus continually perfecting themselves.
- It is now befitting for them to take command of all areas in their life, which will require most of them to make many changes.
- As Revelation 21:5 says of a coming period, "Behold, I make all things new", it is likewise time for Christians to renew their thoughts about everything even today.


Such short quotes from the Bible - based on different translations - are additions to the corresponding chapters of the

Ways-of-Christ.net™ main text:
"Jesus Christ´s Ways, his contributions to human consciousness and to the changes of mankind and the earth": an independent Info-Page, with new viewpoints from many fields of investigation and experience; with practical hints for personal development.

However, such characteristic places cannot fully replace the study or meditation of whole chapters of the Gospel(s).